Giant Raven Sculpture Installed

A collaborative project between the Province of BC, Northern BC Tourism Association and the Western Canada Mountain Bike Tourism Association to initiate a regional branding program across northern BC. The initiative involves installing outdoor art installations in mountain bike trail networks to enhance visitor experiences. Freehub Magazine is covering the project in print and also a film festival piece to go on tour.

The Sulpture was installed along with the help of the City of Terrace in May 2023 at the trailhead for the Terrace ‘Hub’ Trails. Thanks to Northern BC Tourism, Visit Terrace, City of Terrace, Freehub Mag, MTB Tourism BC and TORCA for all their help on this project.

Raven sculpture in Terrace BC
Terrace Hub trails metal sculpture


Western Toad Sculpture For Ferry Island


Giant Raven Sculpture for the Western Canada Mountain Bike Tourism Association