Prince Rupert Deer Herd
Sculpture Series for the Cloudberry Trail
In collaboration with the Kaien Island Trail Enhancement and Recreation Society, Great Bear Ironworks produced a series of unique sculptures designed to enhance the Cloudberry Trail from the Prince Rupert Recreational Complex to the junction near the Kal Tire area. The trail, approximately 1 kilometer long, will feature these sculptures mid way along its path, creating a perfect focal point mid trail.
Among the featured wildlife, the Black-tailed Deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) will be highlighted in the series, with special inspiration drawn from "Hammy the Deer," a local legend known for his unique and friendly behavior. Hammy has become a beloved figure in the area, often seen near the Kaien Island trail network, where his gentle nature has won the hearts of residents and visitors alike. Including Hammy in the sculpture series not only honors the region's Black-tailed Deer but also celebrates the close-knit relationship between the island’s wildlife and its people.
The sculptures reflect the natural beauty and wildlife of Kaien Island, integrating art with the stunning landscapes of the region as part of a broader vision to develop an interlinking trail network across the island. By featuring the Black-tailed Deer and other local species, the project will highlight the island’s rich ecosystem and inspire visitors to appreciate the environment.
To read more about the overall plan for the Kaien Island trail network, visit Kaien Island Trails.